Come and spend the day with me!
Arrive at work before dawn and boot up the computer. Check Blogger and see what my fellow bloggies have been doing.
Storm Sewer Pipe Profile |
Gotta get oriented for work. If you've ever wondered where the water goes from a road with curb and gutters this might interest you! If you cut right down the middle of the road and look from the side you can see the pipes. That would be the white lines. The dashed green is the existing road and the red/orange is the future top of the asphalt. The little white rectangles sticking up are the boxes that open into the gutter to collect the water.
Later I feed Bobbi. It is a rainy morning and as it turns out no one shows up. I work all morning and only one person stops by my desk. Work is a very solitary experience for me. I like that too.
Lunch! Remember the pickled radishes? They are very good with kale. The red stuff is hot sauce.
I eat and remember I have to run and errand.
Guess where I'm going?
I have to return "Wild Fermentation". Someone else wants it now or I would keep it awhile longer.
I pick up a couple of books.
I have used the public libraries in every place I have ever lived. We have a fantastic library system here in the USA.
Back at the office I have a few minutes to look at my new books. How could I pass up a crock pot cook book with PLASTIC covers. It just screamed I'm durable! Use me! Winter is coming! It did not disappoint either. And the Moosewood book. I own most of them. That and the Joy of Cooking are the only cookbooks I use with any regularity.
Oh LOOK! They dedicated the cookbook to me! I love you Moosewood Restaurant!
Back to work.
Pipe Cross Section |
I have to redo the entire system because I didn't get the new manual. Oh, they put them in the empty cubicles where NO ONE works, but not mine. Oh well, I'm glad I caught the error before I was done.
The dashed lines from left to right is the existing box in the median. The solid lines portray the new pipe to be attached. Into the Manhole it goes! (Engineering has lots of personifications like breast walls, toes, crowns, etc)
The water changes direction at the Manhole and flows to the curb box inlets downhill until it gets to the ditch that will take it down to the creek. Pipes Pipes and more PIPES!!
I have a visitor after lunch. I call him Richard the Lionhearted. My first and only visitor of the day. Midafternoon there is an announcement that there is turtle pie in the kitchen!
We are celebrating an old employee's birthday. Not all of us get this treatment! I almost forgot to take the picture. This has to be the most decadent dessert ever. Chocolate, ice cream, sugar coated nuts, caramel and whipped cream.
I work all afternoon and almost get back to where I was the day before when I discovered the error. Sigh.
Home and time to start supper. Had a request for chili. Sorry but no pictures of the finished product. I got distracted.
While the ground turkey thawed I tilled the back garden where some kale will go later. I had all but abandoned it earlier this summer.
Back to the chili.
I sauteed some peppers and onions then added some chili powder and garlic. Then I dumped it in with the ground turkey to which I added a dash of Kitchen Bouquet. Gave it a stir. Added some hot chili beans and a small can of V8 juice and the usual salt and pepper. Nothing fancy. Mild. I will add jalepenos to mine.
Outside! Time to check the front. Swing and have a beverage.
Kale is looking good in the jar.
Picked the squash. Played with Uno and his Birdie the neighbor gave him.
I thought you might enjoy seeing and okra bloom. It is a member of the hibiscus family (I think). The okra and squash grow where the dead maple was removed.
Back in to check the chili. On the way I look up.
Remember the rusty mailbox? This isn't it but it I have one just like it. These are old old boxes.
Chili is fine. I move 2 gallons of wine from primary fermentation to the carboys and fit an airlock. I'm done for the day except to sit and swing until dark.
Good Night! It was a good day!